Re: Different icons for each chat room

  •  02-19-2008, 1:13 PM

    Re: Different icons for each chat room

    Thanks for the reply. I gave the new code a try from your last post. I still seem to get this error when i change anything in the DataItem list. System.Web.HttpException: DataBinding: 'CuteChat.AppLobby' does not contain a property with the name '...'
    We have 6 rooms that we use so there ID's are 1 - 6. So lobbyID 1 is named General Radio Chat   LobbyID 2 is named General Television Chat    LobbyID 3 is named Public Conference Room #1   and so on.
    If you have time using this code can you show me what the completed example should look like with my LobbyID's and room names.
    <nobr><img src="<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "lobby.LobbyId")%>chat_home.jpg"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name")%></nobr>
    On  a side note would it be possible to add a new table in the DataBase for an image then add this as an option in the admin control panel for each lobby created.  Basicly just what we are doing now but make it an option in the chat admin control panel.
    Thanks, Jay
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