Re: help required in several things..

  •  02-19-2008, 1:19 PM

    Re: help required in several things..

    ) when i click on Add Image Map icon, a dialog of Add Image Map appears.. there i can hotspot the images and link them, but the problem is that, i can only manually write the urls to link with hotspot.. is this possible to add Links drop down on Add Image map dialog, so that instead of just manually writing the url to link with hotspot, i can just select the link from links drop down and it will be then link with image hotspot on Add Image map dialog..?? is this possible, how can i do this...??
    You cannot customize that dialog unless you own a source code license. I suggest you create your own dialog to handle this request.
    2) there is a Disk Icon on the editor to save the page, is there a way to customize this disk icon??
    Modify this image file: \CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\all.png
    >>i mean on disk (save)  icon onclick event, i need to call a javascript, is this possible?? how can i do this??
    Please check this example:
    How to capture the save button click event?

    How to capture the SAVE button click event?( C# | VB )

    This example demonstrates how to capture the SAVE button click event by using client-side code and server-side code.

    >>3) on the Links drop down, the default title is Links, how can i change this tile to something else??
    Open CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\AutoConfigure\Default.config and modify the following code:

      <item type="treedropdown" name="LinkTree" text="[[Links]]" width="60" command="InsertLink" />

      <item type="treedropdown" name="LinkTree" text="My Links" width="60" command="InsertLink" />
    >>5) i am stills waiting for your proper response for this very important issue;
    I've answered this question.  You only have two options:
    1.  Same location.

     The setting in the web.config file <add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/Editor" /> which allows you have on copy of cute editor client files in your server and use it all over your applications.
    2. Different Location.

    If you need to put many copies of cute editor client files in your server, don't use this option. 
    By the default, CuteEditor client files apth is: ~/CuteSoft_clients/CuteEditor.

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