Access DB

  •  02-20-2008, 10:39 AM

    Access DB

    I am trying to make sense of your documentation for using LiveSupport with an Access DB.
    Here is what the documentaion states:

    Download Cute Chat and Web Messenger integration package

    Cute Chat and Web Messenger integration package can be downloaded at

    Download Cute Chat and Web Messenger Access Database

    Cute Chat and Web Messenger Access Database can be downloaded at

    Modify Cute Chat queryProviderName.

    Open CDQ.config under CuteSoft_Client\CuteChat\CDQ folder and change

    <configuration queryProviderName="SqlClient"></configuration>


    <configuration queryProviderName="MSAccess"></configuration>
    I don't quite understand what to do with the Integration Package.  Do I copy it over my LiveSupport installation or  just the CDQ folder? 
    Do I rename the "Access_cutechat.mdb" to "Cutechat4.mdb"
    Please clarify the steps.
    Just as a comment, it seems to me that editing the web.config file to point to the acces DB would do the trick, but that is maybe wishful thinking? :)

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