Integration with Existing member database

  •  02-25-2008, 7:46 PM

    Integration with Existing member database

    I have a site with an existing member database, and am having some difficulty working out where to begin with the integration.
    Essentially I would like users to be able to seemlessly access the chat and messenger.
    The guide on integrating the Direct Login with an existing member database is a little vague.
    As my site is built in VB.Net I cannot create a class in C#.Net.
    Are there any examples of how to do this with VB.Net?
    My site works like this:
    User logs in with email address and password. The session is given a variable which stores the users ID (i.e. Session("UID"))
    I simply need to check that this exists and that verifies the member is logged in, it can also be used to get their unique nickname which I want to be the same in the Chat and messenger applications.
    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
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