Re: Set Height in script doesn't change the Framestyle height in Firefox

  •  02-28-2008, 10:45 AM

    Re: Set Height in script doesn't change the Framestyle height in Firefox

    In a simple environment it appears that all is OK, but when the form is complex, there are issues.
    The problem is timing, I think. We are trying to call the SetHeight function during the PageLoad event, when a lot of other functions are also being called. At the time we call the function, it appears that the Editor as an object exists (we tested that), but the script supporting the call to SetHeight has not loaded completely (if it's started at all). We've hit this with other objects from time to time.
    We are experimenting with delaying the timing of the call and have had some success, but it's not pretty at this point.
    Thanks for your help.
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