Html Auto formatting issue!!!!

  •  02-28-2008, 3:32 PM

    Html Auto formatting issue!!!!

    for me and also adds a <br/> tag automatically. At some places in my code, i don't want that CureEditor should change my html at all.
    Please suggest me how can i stop CE to change my tags.

    i am using CuteEditor 6.0 and i need to disable the auto formatting feature. i know that AutoDisableFormatting feature was available in CuteEditor 4.0 but it has been olsolete in CE6.0.  Now, to use this feature, i can't use  backward version.
    <br />
                <td>AutoDisable Feature
    .<br />
    <br />

    In this html, since i don't have closing <td>
    tag, it will add a </td>
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