Using error webmessenger

  •  03-03-2008, 10:43 AM

    Using error webmessenger

    It has as to install webmessenger in a site that already is ready, without having that to create a new domain for the same?

    I have my site, I created link Messenger:

    <href= " BLOCKED SCRIPT ; “ onclick= " Chat_OpenMessenger () “>Messenger< /a>

    I made import:

    <script src= " WebMessenger/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/IntegrationUtility.js.aspx " type= " text/Javascript ">< /script>

    When clico in link of the following errors:,3423
    “__cc_version” not this defining
    “__cc_urlbase” not this defining
    anonymous function

    The system works perfectly running on http://localhost/meusite

    I do not understand how to use the right of my users of my database, then after a user register ja I add it in the table of the system webmessenge and use the following codes pra select them.

    public override string FindUserLoginName(string nickName)
                return RecuperaCampo("DisplayName", "CuteChat4_User", "DisplayName = '" + nickName + "'");

            public override bool GetUserInfo(string loginName, ref string nickName)
                if(RecuperaCampo("DisplayName", "CuteChat4_User", "DisplayName = '"+ loginName +"'") == "")
                    return false;
                //UserData userdata = new UserData();
                //if (!userdata.IsUsernameExists(loginName))
                //    return false;

                nickName = loginName;

                return true;

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