Re: BASE HREF PROBLEM for developer - urgent

  •  03-07-2008, 1:58 PM

    Re: BASE HREF PROBLEM for developer - urgent

    Hi Adam, I'm not sure if I explained my situation clearly.  I can't get the following code to work together:
    1. When I run the above code, it DOES edit the complete document, but BaseHref won't work (it won't display relative images as coming from
    2. But when I REMOVE the EditCompleteDocument=true line of code, the BaseHref DOES work perfectly fine (it DOES display relative images as coming from
    Your comment suggests that I include the base href call inside the actual html code.  I don't want to do this.  I want to be able to set the base href command from the php code that initializes the editor. 
    Nevertheless, when i try your suggestion, and load the editor with the <base href code in the <head> section, the editor removes it removes it.  even still, I don't like this approach as it's not relavant to what I'm trying to accomplish.
    Here's my code in full...
    $editor=new CuteEditor();


    $editor->EditCompleteDocument=true;  //with it set like this, BaseHref won't work, but if you comment this line out, BaseHref WILL work
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