Re: Version Issues

  •  03-11-2008, 4:19 PM

    Re: Version Issues

    Karen already told me that she did not have a version of 3.x lic file so I guess option #1 is out.
    Thus I already own a copy of CuteChat Version 3.0 so option #2 is out
    So I guess option #3 is out as well because you do not have a version 3.0 lic file.
    Leaving no other options available to someone like myself I have gone ahead against my better judgment and upgraded to version 4.1 of CuteChat for an extra cost of $149 and then I purchased a copy of Cute Messenger for a cost of $249 and now I have nothing working....GREAT!!!!
    You have provided code to hook into a membership website but the code provided is in C# and my application is VB and I am not a C# developer so I can not figure out how to implement this code in VB.
    Can you please provide a VB example of the global.asax showing how to tie into a membership website. I was able to do this for version 3.0 without any trouble but with the changes made to the application I am clueless as to how to do this now.
    Well I only wanted to get messenger working and I was forced to upgrade to 4.1 of cute chat to now have neither working correctly. I am not very happy :(
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