Upload images to a separate server

  •  03-14-2008, 10:35 AM

    Upload images to a separate server

    Problem: I need to upload and store images on a separate server other than the server running the cute editor.
    Windows 2003 running IIS6. 
    IE 7 (7.0.5730.13)
    Cute Editor for .Net
       CuteEditor.dll (
       CuteEditor.ImageEditor.dll (
    Solution so far: 
    1.  Within IIS, under my _images directory, i've created a Virtual Directory called cs.  This virtual directory points to the directory on the "other" server that contains the images. 
    2.  Within my .Net page, i've set both the SetSecurityGalleryPath and ImageGalleyPath to "~/_images/cs for the editor
    3. When I run my web application, the web page successfully renders the CuteSoft editor.  When I select the icon to Insert Image, it successfully brings up InsertImage.aspx and gives me the list of images on the "other" server via "~/_images/cs".
    So far so good.
    4.  Now when I click the Upload button on InsertImage.aspx, the Choose File dialog box displays.  When I select the image I wish to upload, and click Open on the dialog it appears the CuteSoft is attempting to upload the file, but displays the "Unable to upload file." error dialog box.
    UGH !!!
    What I've done so far:
    1.  I've read "almost" every forum posting with the words "Unable to upload file" in it.  The common fix response is .... "It's a permissions problem.
    2.  To address the permissions problem, I've done the following:
       a.  Created a new domain user
       b.  On the web server, I've modified the Identity of the AppPool running the website to the new domain user. 
             i.  Added the user to the IIS_WPG group and ran aspnet_regiis.exe -ga <User> to grant the user access to the IIS metabase and other directories used by ASP.NET (NOTE: Under this configuration, the web site runs as expected.)
       c.  On the "other" server that contains the images, I've grants Full Control of the directory to the new domain user.
       d.  For the CS virutal directory mentioned above, I have the virtual directory "Connect as ..." the new domain user to the directory on the other server.
    SO....The web site, the virtual directory and the directory on the "other" server all are bound with the new domain user's information.  Under this configuration, I can read via InsertImage.aspx all the images and insert them into the CuteSoft editor, but I still CAN NOT upload files.
    Is there anyway to see what's going on or get a better understanding of how CuteSoft uploads files/images?  Is it possible with CuteSoft, to manage images in the configuration above?
    If you'd like screen shots or chat via your Live Support IM client, please let me know.
    Any immediate assistance will be greatly appreciated.
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