Re: Messenger Configuration

  •  03-18-2008, 1:28 PM

    Re: Messenger Configuration

    Can you change the following code:
    Return New CuteChat.AppChatIdentity(CurrentUser.UserName.ToString.ToUpper, False, CurrentUser.UserId.ToString, CurrentUser.UserId.ToString)
     Return New CuteChat.AppChatIdentity(CurrentUser.UserName.ToString.ToUpper, False, CurrentUser.UserId.ToString, HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress)"
    This has no effect at all.
    Can you make sure 9Y3OQWZ3TD and RUI4QBQ3CW log in the web messenger and try again?"
    When each user logged in to two seperate computers the reults are the same. It does not work.
    "3. If the target user has not been added into the contact list,  the "No Contact" will be displayed."
    Ok if "No Contact" is displayed does that mean the contact will need to be added before they can chat?
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