Unable Delete Files/Images using CuteEditors file/image managers and file/image link issues

  •  01-31-2005, 8:00 PM

    Unable Delete Files/Images using CuteEditors file/image managers and file/image link issues

            I started using CE from last week and it's very impressive. Got couple of questions for you,
    1. When i try to delete uploaded files/images i am getting "Unable to delete file" message. I am using Admin.config for this test.  I am sure there is some kind of security settings i am missing, i appreciate if you can point me where in the right direction.
    2.  I have seen lot of posts related to links/images issue. My links/images url changes to http:/// when i edit the page using Windows XP SP2 at home via VPN.
    I tried all the combinations of UseRelativeLinks,RemoveServerNamesFromUrl and no luck. 
        This works fine when i am in the office with win2000 and XP.
         Even links/images in http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx  doesn't work with my home PC.

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