I can not get started.

  •  03-24-2008, 4:10 PM

    I can not get started.

    System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: A valid license cannot be granted for the type DotNetGallery.Gallery
    This is the error I am getting. 
            <cc1:Gallery ID="gallery1" runat="server" Width="600" Column="6" MaxImageWidth="1024"
                BackColor="#ffffff" CellPadding="5" AutoResizeUploadedImages="true" CellSpacing="5"
                ForeColor="#000000" BorderColor="#cc0000" BorderStyle="solid" BorderWidth="0"
                 ShowUpload="true" ShowEditDescription="false" ShowThumbNailName="true"
                ShowThumbNailSize="true" ShowThumbNailDate="false" ShowThumbNailDescription="true"
                ShowDescriptioninIndexView="false" FolderPath="~/albums/LPU2007">
    dotnetgallery.lic that was in the bin folder found in the download is in my Bin folder. 
    additionally - If you want to launch the sample right away, place the default_cs.aspx or default_vb.aspx in your
    application folder - I could not find either of these files in my download, I redownloaded and unzipped again with the same results.

    Both of your demos are very close to what I am looking for.  I need a control that will set pages. When the thumbnail is clicked allow the original to pop up in a predefined window size (our files are very large).  
     I have not installed this on my local host , I am still developing.  I read a different post that made it seem like your development has to be done on your localhost web, so I am moving files there now.

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