Re: IMG Dialog

  •  03-25-2008, 11:26 AM

    Re: IMG Dialog

    Thanks for your reply.  Unfortunately, I'm seeing that do_preview() is undefined. 
    What I'm doing is providing an alternate Browse function, which allows the user to select images from a remote location.  Once they select an image, a call is made to the following custom function on tag_image.ascx:
    function FileShareHandler(imgPath, width, height) {
        var inImageUrl      = document.getElementById("inp_src");
        var inImageWidth    = document.getElementById("inp_width");
        var inImageHeight    = document.getElementById("inp_height");
        inImageUrl.value    = imgPath;
        inImageWidth.value  = width;
        inImageHeight.value = height;

    Am I calling do_preview() incorrectly or is there a different method I should be using?
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