Re: Text not posted back in Safari 3.0

  •  04-14-2008, 6:13 AM

    Re: Text not posted back in Safari 3.0

    Hi Adam

    The editor is sitting in a control which I'm loading into the page, so the postback returns nothing (unless the page has already been submitted, in which case it posts back the previous value).

    However, by comparing my non-working version with the one that did, I've found a way to make things work again.
    In my non-working version, in the Page_Load for the control I'm setting the editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "/css/myStylie.css" - if I remove this, the page works fine (ie posts back the text I've just entered). My working version doesn't set the css.
    If I then put EditorWysiwygModeCss="/css/stfcBlogStylie.css" in the HTML declaration for the editor, that breaks things as well - again it's all OK if I don't have the declaration there.
    So, it seems that if I declare an EditorWysiwygModeCss either in code or in the HTML, it won't post back text values, but if I don't it's fine.
    I can live without the styled text, but it would be nice if I could have it!
    Thanks again for your help



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