Re: Ajax Uploader and upload to remote dedicated file server ?

  •  04-14-2008, 11:37 PM

    Re: Ajax Uploader and upload to remote dedicated file server ?

    please test this :
    <CuteWebUI:Uploader runat=server TempDirectory="\\yourvideoserver\videofolder" />
    and you can try to add such setting into web.config appSettings:
    <add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory" value="\\yourfileserver\tempdirectory" />
    that would affact all uploader controls , and override uploader's TempDirectory setting.
    but , please remember that, the TempDirectory is for the Uploader . It only store temp files.
    That means , the uploader need a temp folder. And you need copy the temp file to another place.
    After you catch the FileUploaded event , you need to use args.CopyTo(newfoldername) to store the file !!
    So I suggest you do these steps:
    1. use web.config, add the CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory , and set to a temp shared folder of a dedicated server.
    2. catch the FileUploaded event, and copy the file to the image/video folder.
    Regards , Terry .
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