Major problem with <p> tags being rendered incorrectly

  •  05-14-2008, 6:56 AM

    Major problem with <p> tags being rendered incorrectly

    We have a major problem with our web app that is used by hundreds of thousands of customers around the globe ... the more time passes the worse the problem becomes.
    This problem can easily be replicated on
    My cuteeditor.dll version is
    1. Select p to set the BreakElement to use <p> tags
    2. Type a short text string and press enter once ... it will be incorrectly rendered as:
      <p>Text String</p>
    3. Try erasing any newlines etc. using Normal view (customers have no access to the HTML tag)
    4. Now in Code view the code is:
      <p>Text String</p>
    5. So in short, typing a text string<enter><backspace> produces the following in Code View ... it should produce just the text string:
      <p>test<br />

    6. They really need to be able to have the string be set back to normal for them (without tags) but they also need to be able to produce HTML formatted text.
    7. Setting the BreakElement to use <div> or <br> tags also causes similar problems (div tags are similar, the number of br tags lessens by 1 each time you go to code view)
    Without access to code view it is not possible for users to erase the <p> tags. As these text strings are later used in the customers web pages this means the web pages are rendered very badly.
    This is further complicated by the fact that setting the BreakElement to p only seems to work in Internet Explorer.
    Please let us know what we can do as this is a very urgent problem affecting very many people and the longer we wait the more incorrect text strings are stored in the DB so the worse our problem becomes.
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