Re: OnKeyup Attaching Events

  •  05-28-2008, 1:26 PM

    Re: OnKeyup Attaching Events

    I am revisiting using cute editor again, i have the corrected code as stated above. The events attach...I also have attached a keypress event. Now every onkeypress event now fires both an onmouseleave and an onkeypress event. I also cannot get an onkeyup event to is the code now:
     <script type="text/javascript">
       function CE_attachEvent()
         // get the cute editor instance
        var editor1 = document.getElementById('CE_Editor1_ID');
        //Get the editor content 
        var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument();
        // attach Event

         else if(editdoc.contentDocument.addEventListener)
       function HandleChange(eventFired)

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