Re: Unexpected menu layout change

  •  06-02-2008, 5:03 PM

    Re: Unexpected menu layout change

    While that "fixes" the problem in that example, it does not fix it in the actual case (I have been unable to determine why).
    However, the code you want me to remove is required for Safari compatibility.  For whatever reason, Safari will not properly center things, and this code fixes the problem.
    I have temporarily replaced the IE implementation file from an older version, which fixes the problem, but I suspect that there are changes other than the one that is causing me trouble that will show up somewhere (for example, in the font color picker, clicking on one of the tabs opens a new window rather than changing the contents of the already-open window - probably due to using the old javascript file).  I have no idea why the older implementation file works and the new one does not.  It would be very helpful if you could figure out why the old one works and the new one does not.  Note:  there is no problem with this in Safari, only in IE.  I would attempt to figure it out, but your have obfuscated the javascript code (smart thinking, but keeps me from working on the problem).
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