Re: Anchor Tags issue is Back!

  •  06-05-2008, 2:03 PM

    Re: Anchor Tags issue is Back!

    Hi Adam - 
    Thanks for your response.  I just re-tested at
    In Firefox I see no change in behavior.  Here are the steps:
    1. Click HTML
    2. Paste "<a id="LOID10593407723" name="LOID10593407723"></a>this is <a id="LOID1059340772" name="LOID1059340772"></a>a test<a id="LOID2048431086" name="LOID2048431086"></a>asdf<a id="LOID105934077234" name="LOID105934077234"></a><br>"
    3. click Normal
    4. Note 2 flags instead of 4
    5. click back to HTML
    6. Note html has been changed (which of course it shoudn't be) to "<a id="LOID10593407723" name="LOID10593407723"></a>this is <a id="LOID1059340772" name="LOID1059340772"></a>a test<a style="width: 20px; height: 20px; text-indent: 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(CuteEditor_Files/Images/anchor.gif);" id="LOID2048431086" name="LOID2048431086"></a>asdf<a style="width: 20px; height: 20px; text-indent: 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(CuteEditor_Files/Images/anchor.gif);" id="LOID105934077234" name="LOID105934077234"></a>"
    7.  Click Normal
    8.  Note 3 flags
    9. Click HTML
    10. click Normal
    11. Note 4 flags    
    In ie I can't test because you need to load from a db to do the test, clicking to html and then back to normal seems to work properly.  It's only when you load from a db that the error occurs.  But I think if you test it yourself loading from a db, you will see what I mean.  Karen was able to replicate it in ie.
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