Body background tag is being rewritten incorrectly

  •  06-10-2008, 4:04 PM

    Body background tag is being rewritten incorrectly

    I'm using CE6, in IE6, and i'm having an issue where the following code:
        <body background="images/greeenback.jpg">
    gets saved as (problem sections are bolded):

        <body background="images/greeenback".jpg>
            sometext 1
    I have reproduced this using the '~/cs/edithtml.aspx' sample included in the .NET 1.0 Framework folder.   I've confirmed that it does *not* do this when I use FFox 2.0, same sample page.  It only does this if I make a change to the page (e.g. changing "sometext" to "sometext 1").   
    Please help...
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