Does CuteEditor have an AutoCorrect feature like MS Word?

  •  06-11-2008, 5:38 AM

    Does CuteEditor have an AutoCorrect feature like MS Word?

    We would like to use CuteEditor in an application we are creating. One special feature that we want is to be able to do some autocorrects so that if the user types in any one of a series of predefined codes, these get auto-expanded to a piece of text.
    For example, if the user types in "We want 3 ~N and 15 ~T right now" the codes "~N" and "~T" will get automatically changed to certain values (such as "Nails" and "Tires") while the user is still typing.
    Ways I have tried to do this so far are:
    1. I could use the Code Snippets part, and define a list of codes that the user could pick from a list, but this isn't quite what I want. I want them to not have to use the mouse.
    2. I could use Keyboard Shortcuts, and make the code to be Ctrl-N and Ctrl-T (I think?). Am I right here? Could I set up a keyboard short cut to automatically insert some text? If I coupled this with the code snippets, then if the user forgot one of the codes, they could get it from the code snippets. I think the disadvantage here is that the list of possible key combinations is limited. I think I may need 200 codes in total.
    3. I could set up an onChange event and in Javascript, get the HTML every time a key is pressed, do a replace on it, then put the HTML back into the editor. The problem here is that the cursor gets moved to the end of the text whenever I put the HTML back into the editor, which is crazy if the user is typing half way through a sentence at the time!
    So, can anyone help me on this please? I'm just playing with the free download version of the editor for .Net 2. If I can solve this, I think we may well go for this in our production environment. I'm also looking at Telerik's editor, but it costs twice as much and can't do this feature either I don't think.
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