Re: Can not call getHTML() with Cute Editor in "hidden" divs

  •  07-09-2008, 10:04 AM

    Re: Can not call getHTML() with Cute Editor in "hidden" divs

    Hi Becky
    I had this problem once. It is caused because the Editor is not initialized until it is made visible:
    The last line of the Editor generated code says something like this:

    <img src="" onload="CuteEditorInitialize('CE_Editor_ID', blah, blah, blah ") />

    So when that final image is loaded the Editor initializes ... Firefox does not load the images until the div is made visible. The only way I can see to get around this is a bit of a hack but it should work.

    Just copy the onload event from this image and call it on page load:
    CuteEditorInitialize('CE_Editor_ID', blah, blah, blah);

    Now you should be able to use editor1.getHTML() without problems ... unless, of course, the editor has previously been visible and is hidden again ... I remember coming accross that problem too.

    Good luck,

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