Re: EditorOnPaste="PasteWord" differences from your sample

  •  07-11-2008, 7:23 PM

    Re: EditorOnPaste="PasteWord" differences from your sample

    Don't you think it is just good business sense to inform your clients of changes you made to the control, as far as I can see there is still no account on the website of the differences between 6 and 6.1. Refer to my previous post Now you are telling me that you have updated 6.1 since you first made it available, but there is no build version and again no accounting of the differences between builds. I spent hours trying to reconcile pasted differences that you are now telling me have already been fixed...
    do you see my point? the least you could do is email each of your clients to inform of a build update whenever you make a change... very frustrating...
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