Re: This must be simple but...

  •  07-17-2008, 9:48 PM

    Re: This must be simple but...

    These forum answers are getting very frustrating, with a lot of going back and forward and totally missing the point of the question...
    ... this does not even begin to answer, because I am not having an issue with getting the editor instance... you have picked up on an insignificant point and for some reason, totally ignored the real substance of the question... sorry to be a pain, but what's the point in a forum if the host cannot see the problem.
    I only put 'ce' there to indicate the cute editor instance, in fact <%= Editor1.ClientID%>  would not work for me because I am retrieving the editor instance from within a gridview were there are multiple instances and the active one has to be selected, but as I said that's not my issue. MY QUESTION is centered on applying custom functionality to pasted text so as to strip out unwanted html, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere...
    see related posts:



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