Re: Cute Editor Buttons Not Working!

  •  07-21-2008, 5:03 AM

    Re: Cute Editor Buttons Not Working!

    Thanks for your quick reply! 
    I am actually trying to upgrade my CMS on an existing site, so I created a separate folder and db for you to view and test.
    Please go to:
    and login as abc/123. You will come to a menu page, with a menu on top with one item, about us. Please click the menu item. You will come to a page that will list the one record in the table. Please click edit. Scroll down, and you will see the cute editor. I have not yet expanded the size of my 'popup', so it's not so pretty yet. Please ignore! Now, if you mouse over any of the buttons, you will see this funny cursor.
    I noticed in testing that this can happen when the field has no value. When a user clicks edit, the values on the form are all populated using js. Is there a different way to populate this field other than document.getElementById('whatever').value = 'whatever'?
    Thanks again for your help
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