Spellcheck: Returns nbsp as misspelled word

  •  02-24-2005, 10:34 AM

    Spellcheck: Returns nbsp as misspelled word

    When I run spellcheck on the textboxes, it comes back with "nbsp" as a misspelled word.  Nbsp is part of the HTML special characters codes for   for a non-breaking space.  IT shouldn't return with nbsp (which may be numerous times) and my users will not understand why it is returning because they are not coders and it dies not appear in the Normal View text.  Is there an issue where the spellcheck is checking the HTML code and returns nbsp?  Can we have the spellcheck ignore nbsp so my users do not have to deal with it?  it is very time consuming if they have to always say "Ignore All" when nbsp is returned as a misspelled word.  I'm assuming the Spellchecker isn't supposed to return it since it doesn't return other special chars code like &dia; and &34;


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