Mac Firefox Issue: Link Moving/Disappearing

  •  08-13-2008, 3:11 AM

    Mac Firefox Issue: Link Moving/Disappearing

    Hi Everyone, I am having an interesting problem with Firefox on a Mac with the new version of the ASP cute editor.
    One of my clients uses mac's throughout her business, and we have advised her to use firefox.
    After testing on our mac here we found that the only major issue is that when linking text to a url, file or even now it does it when applying a style the text for the url disappears and appears above the H1 tag. I have checked the code and there is no p or div tags to be seen, its clean.
    This happens about 80% of the time which makes it frustrating to link with the editor. Has anyone experienced this?

    When we paste the html from our site over into the demo version on this site the same thing happens.
    We are using the new version of firefox (3).
    Any assistance would be great...
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