Related Anchor Text Problem

  •  09-03-2008, 3:13 PM

    Related Anchor Text Problem

    Hey Adam -- I'm sure you were hoping this was done as much as I was, but there is still a problem with anchor tags in fire fox. 
    Specifically, if you insert an anchor through javascript.   Take a look at my sample page: and also uploaded here: /forum_uploads2/JavaScript-API.asp
    To test, just put your cursor in the text somewhere and click the "insert html" button.  The only change I made to this page was to use the anchor text I need where you previously had "this is a test".
    If you try it in IE it works perfectly, it inserts the anchor, the flag shows, all is well.
    But in firefox, the flag does not show and when you click over to html view you see this instead of the simple anchor tag I asked for.
    <a style="width: 20px; height: 20px; text-indent: 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(CuteEditor_Files/Images/anchor.gif);" id="LOID2048431086" name="LOID2048431086"></a>
    I'm hoping this is a minor issue that you can fix right away, since I told my client that you had fixed that other issue, so they are looking forward to using this application.
    Thanks - Anne
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