Selecting default class for the editor

  •  03-02-2005, 11:24 PM

    Selecting default class for the editor

    I'm using DNN3.0.11 and therefore the EditorWysiwygModeCss property. The styles are parsed correctly and are displayed in the Class dropdownlist.  I only want the users to use these classes so have removed other toolbars, such as 'Font-Name' and 'Paragraph' etc.

    All is fine when users apply styles to the selected text, however the editor is not relfecting the 'Normal' style which should be applied by default.  It works fine when the page is viewed outside the editor.

    Is there a way to tell the editor to user this (normal) style by default?  I'm thinking perhaps there's a conflict with the 'Normal' paragraph style and the 'Normal' CSS style?

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