Styling the Flash Components

  •  10-10-2008, 10:54 AM

    Styling the Flash Components

    Having worked around the technical stuff, I am not trying to style the upload tool itself - including almost every element used with the control.
    Attached is a sample of my current screen.
    Can you tell me how to do the following please as I can't seem to figure this one out for myself:
    1. There is a 1px by 1px box that appears when you click on the Browse Files button (you can just see it in my screenshot).  This has a background set to white on the flash object params property which means it shows up on solid backgrounds like the one I am using.  How can I change this?
    2. I don't seem to have much control over the flash multi-file upload stuff at all.  I would like to remove the twirling circle that appears when that file is currently uploading and replace it with the text: "Uploading..." and keep the other icons as they are (or possibly change them if that is possible to conform with the design of the rest of our site.  Can that be done?
    3. There doesn't seem to be any way to properly set spacing, margins or padding on the flash upload bits (i.e. the solid white section on my screenshot.  Is this possible?
    4. There is also no easy way to style the "Cancel all Uploads" button and position it where we would like to put it so for now I have just hidden it completely.  Will this functionality be added anytime soon?

    I think that is it for now.  Hopefully you can shed some more light on this for me.
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