Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+U

  •  10-27-2008, 12:11 PM

    Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+U

    There is a small problem with the CuteEditor when it comes to users with limited rights.  It may not be a bug, but more of an oversight.  Even when the bold, italic, and underline buttons are disabled, any computer savy user can still apply these formats by using the keyboard shortcuts.  I am in the middle of an application where I need the user to only have access to the functions in the toolbar, and no other ones.  Having the user be able to still apply this causes major problems on the backend when processing the form.  Is this something that can be corrected in an upcomming release (hopefully sooner than later)?  I know I have seen several other posts in this forum (not for version 6) that have gone unanswered on this topic, so hopefully this won't be one of them.
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