Cute Editor Gives license error for certain users

  •  03-10-2005, 10:34 AM

    Cute Editor Gives license error for certain users


    I've been working with cute editor on a project, and it seems to be working really well, with one problem.  There are two users that if they are the first ones to use it in the morning they get the "License is not valid error."  if anyone else attempts to use the editor first, the editor loads just fine.  It loads just fine for those two users also, after the original load by someone else.

    I'm really thinking that this is a browser issue of some kind, but it doesn't make sense.  I don't know how the license works for cure editor, but it doesn't make sense that certain clients get the not valid error, while other clients do not. 

    I've already checked to make sure that it isn't a page cache issue on the browser, so that is not the problem.

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