Ajax Uploader with anonymous access turned off

  •  11-05-2008, 10:54 AM

    Ajax Uploader with anonymous access turned off

    Hi there,
    I am trialling your component for use in an Intranet site (IIS 6, ASP.NET 2.0).  It is a requirement of the site that anonymous access is turned off, integrated windows authentication turned on and in the web.config we have identity impersonate set to true.
    With this setup and uploading a file to the site a 401 access is denied message/security credentials window is raised on the web resource file CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd, and the file does not get uploaded.
    This problem only seems to be a problem in Internet Explorer.  (Firefox seems to work OK).
    The component seems to work fine with anonymous access turned on for the web site.
    I wondered if this is a known issue that anyone has come across before.
    Daren Leonard
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