Editor steals focus and ensures visibility on a webpage with a large height, can this behaviour be overridden?

  •  12-02-2008, 5:56 PM

    Editor steals focus and ensures visibility on a webpage with a large height, can this behaviour be overridden?

    I'm trying to use the editor component (v6.1.0.0) as part of an online product management tool. The product description is quite complex and has many options that stretches into a lengthy webpage - It is possible that the editor can scroll off the screen. The webpage uses asp.net 3.5 ajax update panels which the editor is embedded within. Everything works OK until I perform an asyncronous call from elsewhere on the page - The editor always refreshes and scrolls the webpage so that top of the editor always remains visible on screen.
    Is there any way to stop this scrolling behaviour, allowing asp.net to retain the MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback position? I've tried setting the Focus property to false on the editor but it doesnt make a difference.
    The scrolling behaviour effects the user freindliness of the overall page.
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