Re: EditorWysiwygModeCss Not working in Safari

  •  12-05-2008, 2:36 AM

    Re: EditorWysiwygModeCss Not working in Safari

    Hi again Adam

    No, it seems to work, but the CSS styles won't apply

    It seems that in Safari, the ability to apply the CSS from the dropdowns/view the CSS correctly does not work.

    Interestingly FF displays the image incorrectly (I assume)

    My code is as follows:

    Dim editor1
    Set editor1 = New CuteEditor
    editor1.ID = "content"
    editor1.Text = content
    editor1.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
    editor1.Width = 520
    editor1.Height = 260
    editor1.BreakElement = "P"
    editor1.ShowBottomBar = true
            editor1.ConfigurationPath = "CuteEditor_Files/Configuration/limeGinger.config"
    editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "limeginger.css"


    The  CSS section of shared/common.config as follows:

           <item text="Heading" value="userHeading"></item>
    <item text="Sub Heading" value="userSubheading"></item>
    <item text="Introduction" value="userIntroPara"></item>

    None of the styles in my css file display in Safari, but they do in the other browsers


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