Custom Dialog Localization

  •  12-11-2008, 5:56 PM

    Custom Dialog Localization

    Hi, i am in the process of evaluating Cute Editor for my needs. I have created a custom dialog window and a custom button that opens the dialog. Now i need to localize the custom dialog. For example there is an insert button in my dialog form. How could i set the button's text to the resourse i have created in the appropriate language xml file? I tried to use something like :
    <input class="formbutton" type="button" value="[[Insert]]" onclick="insertEquation();" />

    but it doesn't work.
    However calling

    override protected void OnInit(EventArgs args)






                string FrameSrc = "WebEq.aspx?IsFrame=1&" + Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"];

                CuteEditor.CEU.WriteDialogOuterFrame(Context, "[[WebEqDialogTitle]]", FrameSrc);





    seems to work fine for the form's title.
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