Re: 2.0 Documentation?

  •  03-16-2005, 5:04 PM

    Re: 2.0 Documentation?

    If you are selling a fantastic software for improving the life of million of your customers and clients hence gaining market share for Cutesoft entity, May I suggest that you should be eagerly and unreservedly be closed to your customer care.
     Your documentation should be ready and available for "Amateurs, femme, opera chanteurs, diplomates etc...." to integrate with their named individuals projects .
    I work as an senior international accountant in global industry which never allows to ask a pilot to test a plane without documentation. Why are you so different?

    For instance, after suffering SCREAMING and wishing that I have never met you (i.e your fantastic Cutechat PA program), It was more undermining to find out that your documentation is unreadible, incomprehensible and has a lack of common basic languages which (i.e cretines, stupido, anes= customers that have a low IQ's) mess around your achievements. We , as customers, are from various industries, and we do hope that your expertise exept your programers and your business consultants, are able to employ your PA for our respective DNN  projects. THIS IS MESSY
    After so much frustration, I found out, that there is an individual that sell in snowcovered a chatroom which does not compromise us with clients' time and or frustration. (ps I do not have any relation with this person, but he is smart).

    How on the side, for individuals that do not understand this complaint,  I can translate my message in 8 languages if needed.
    Nothwithstanding, cutesOft net you should ensure that WE are adequate covered with any documentation necessary for our mightmares projects in order to minimise and release our frustration. While we suffer with unresponded queries for Cutesoft entity, we get the stigma of a stupid, worthless and ultimately, paranoid individual which spend his/her time to reload their contiunious projects.

    I am not a programer or whatever, but doing contracts for billion and million of US and EU currency tendering, I do expect that my customers understand the processes, regulations, customercare, diplomacy that are the bible of our company!!!  Before buying or influencing their soul.............................

    I will feel dumb if I feel the individual has no clue with whom he/she was dealing with unless I WISH HIM/HER to fall in the trap of buying my fantastic solution or aircrafts...................................
    Take this example, if I give you International financial policies such SOX, FRS, IAS, UK, French GAAP,.......... etc to apply in any countries, I do hope that you will deeply understand how policies should mould to any country before advertising to worldwide prospective customers and or recommending your success to future clients. You may sell million of your PA items, but when it comes to retain your customer, think about it. Reputation can be wrapping and moulding around your skin, which your professional success may suffer and or to vanish.................

    So in order to gain market share, ensure that every PA, softwares or programs that Cutesoft is advertising have documenation, recommendation, support care, and most important that Cutesoft is available in respective time to answer our dilemmas. 

    Thereby by doing so, you may gain 100% KPI cusotmer care. Feel free to contact me for this issue, I will prove my personal and working e-mail

    Kindest regards
    Zohra Denise Belabed
     Senior European Financial accountant

    Zohra denise belabed
    Senior international analyst
    England and EU
    (Sorry unable to give my company, military check)
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