How to apply full postback

  •  01-05-2009, 7:53 AM

    How to apply full postback

    i have implemented the file uploader in my project by embedded the uploader component in update panel while keeping the other fields in form outside the update panel.
    Other fields(chained drop down list, textbox) in the form have required field validator attached to them.
    when i fill the form fields and then click the upload button, it starts the uploading process and copies the file in the background,
    but do not display anything in server trace message box.
    the problem here is that it requires a server postback to display the message in server trace.
    so when i click  chained drop down list used in the form,it produces a postback and the content in server trace box is displayed.
    so i wanted to know how to get full postback once the file upload is finished.
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