CuteEditor for .NET v 6.2 - window.close() not working for modal dialog

  •  01-29-2009, 2:54 PM

    CuteEditor for .NET v 6.2 - window.close() not working for modal dialog

    We had an older version of cuteeditor that we used with custom buttons that call the ShowDialog function.  In that custom dialog, we have buttons that either save html back to the editor and close the dialog, or just cancel and close the dialog.  The Insert button will transfer my html back to the editor, but the dialog won't close unless I hit the X on the dialog window itself.  Even the example code that comes with v6.2 does not work properly.  Is this a known issue in 6.2 and will it be fixed in the next update, and is there a work-around for it currently that I can use for now?
    Thanks in advance,
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