I did that already (based on a different forum post I saw)
The changes I made to web.config related to CuteEditor are:
under appSettings:
<add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="~/Tmp/CuteEditorTemp" />
(and ~/Tmp/CuteEditorTemp maps to a folder with full access to the appropriate users, see my other post -- evidently a file does get created in that folder)
under system.web > httpModules:
<add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>
I don't know enough about http modules to be able to tell if the module got loaded correctly or failed... is there any way to verify if an httpModule is loaded?
The CuteEditor dll is simply in the bin directory of the web site, not in the GAC, is that ok?