1. I created a test.aspx page under the same project with the code provided for testing permissions, ran the page and specified the same server path I have in my web.config (~/Tmp/CuteEditorTemp), the file uploaded successfully, I got the message "File cetest.gif uploaded successfully" and a file named cetest.gif was indeed at the physical folder mapped to ~/Tmp/CuteEditorTemp. CONCLUSION: no permission probblems there.
2. I downloaded the package again (I checked, the last time I downloaded it was 1/30/2009) I overwrote all binaries and everything under CuteSoft_Client other than the "CuteEditor/Configuration" folder (I didn't want to have to merge changes to my "MyTool.config" file again if it isn't absolutely necessary.
Now here's the VERY curious thing: I built the web site, ran it and uploaded a couple of files SUCCESSFULLY :) BUT then, when I happily checked-in all the files (bin dlls and CuteSoft_Client files and directories) into source control (which makes them read-only) it immediately stopped working again.
Does any of the uploading code write anything (log file?, debug file?, a note to grandma? ;) ) under CuteSoft_Client???? if that is the case, that's what causes my failure -- you see, since the project is a VS2005 web project without a project file ANY file under it that is not specifically excluded from source control becomes part of the project and is checked in.
Can you please check if this is the case? Will CuteEditor work if ALL the files under CuteSoft_Client are read-only?