I am still having trouble with the uploading functionality:
It is now working fine for files under ~200K, but whenever I upload a larger file, I again get the same error message (unable to find the uplaoded file in the directory)
I am using IIS 6/ASP.NET 2.0 and use file uploading myself in the same application, so I do have the Metabase.xml setting for AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed="104857600" (~100M), IIS6 does not use the httpRuntime maxRequestAllowed attribute, and in any case to be sure I used the aspx file upload test page you posted above on the same server, same application and was able to upload a 1.2M image that I was unable to upload in CuteEditor.
What do I do about this?
Another piece of information:
I checked my IIS logs, and I can see a bunch of requests to /CuteEditor_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=emptyhtml all get a 200 OK Http status. I guess that indicates that the Uploader Http module is correctly configured in web.config (otherwise I would get 404 or another eror http status)