Getting Started - reated a CuteEditor class object?

  •  02-10-2009, 5:24 PM

    Getting Started - reated a CuteEditor class object?

    Hi there, Sorry for the lame question but I am new to this!
    When you install Cute Editor it asks you to do the following
    2. Instantiate the CuteEditor class.

    Firstly, you must include the CuteEditor class file. Secondly, you must create a new CuteEditor class object. Finally, you must assign a unique ID to your CuteEditor control, as shown below:

             $editor=new CuteEditor();
             $editor->Text="Type here";

             //use $_POST["Editor1"]to catch the data

    Once you've created a CuteEditor class object, you call functions against that object.

    Note 1: You can retrieve the CuteEditor contents using the $_POST array. The name of the variable in the $_POST array will be CuteEditor ID. For example if your Cute Editor class ID is "Editor1", the variable would be $_POST["Editor1"].
    This stuff is already in the index.php file.  WHY do I have to create another file and what do I name the file and what goes in it and where do I put it?

    Finally, when I start Cute using the index.php I get text which is the same as the script above????
    Im shore this is basic to those who know, but it is rocket science for a your wantabee.
    Please help.
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