Permission Error - The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

  •  02-22-2009, 3:36 PM

    Permission Error - The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

           We recently purchased an Enterprise Liscense for the Cute ASP editor; and I am trying to integrate it with our  application. I set it up on my local machine; copied the directory CuteEditor_Files to the root directory. I also copied the images and templates folders to the same location.
            It works fine on the local test application that I created; I copied the default.asp file to the local application folder 'WebApplication'. I can load and insert images.
             But when I copied the same default.asp file to the location of the main application; I am getting this error when I try to load images or templates "Permission Error - The area you are attempting to access is forbidden."
             I checked the paths and everything seems to be the same between the test application and the main application. Any help will be appreciated.
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