Admin/General User Permissions

  •  02-27-2009, 2:48 PM

    Admin/General User Permissions

    For our website, we have 2 type of users: Admin, General users. The difference between these 2 users is that Admin users(created based on a table data if that user exists) can go to a particular section under admin folder and post the news articles where the editor tool is being used. I customized the toolbar for these users by modifying (default.config) file.
    Now, we want ability for general users ( there is no login screen for our website) to be able to use the editor tool to upload documents and images to another folder other than admin users are currently uploading to.
    Since, we do not have roles set-up where do i define such that admin users can use (admin.config) and all other users can use (default.config)?
    Our directory structure:
    \ all files
    we use : CuteEditor for .NET
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