Re: How do i Hide the multiple upload button and cancel/cancel all

  •  03-10-2009, 8:36 AM

    Re: How do i Hide the multiple upload button and cancel/cancel all

    Here is a sample :

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteWebUI" Namespace="CuteWebUI" Assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
     <script type="text/javascript">
     function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnStart()
     function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnStop()
     function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnPostback()
     <form id="form1" runat="server">
       <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments runat="server" ID="UploadAttachments1" CancelButtonID="CancelButton"
        NumFilesShowCancelAll="1000" />
       <asp:Button runat="server" ID="CancelButton" CssClass="CssCancelButton" Text="Cancel" />

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