Can I place CuteSoft_Client folder in just one location to be referenced by all my asp.NET applications during development

  •  03-17-2009, 5:49 PM

    Can I place CuteSoft_Client folder in just one location to be referenced by all my asp.NET applications during development

    At present I put 'CuteSoft_Client' folder within each application (thus a lot of duplication).
    If my web applications are being developed in 'vs2008/websites'
    can I set up 'vs2008/websites/CuteSoft_Client' so that eventually my application web page(s)
    'vs2008/websites/MyTestSite/default.aspx' can have an editor that uses all the resources in 'vs2008/websites/CuteSoft_Client'
    If so how do I achieve this?
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