Absolute Div and Positioning

  •  03-18-2009, 1:05 AM

    Absolute Div and Positioning

    My clients requirement was to have a draggable objects in cute editor, so that the layman can also work with it.
    For the elements to make them draggable I made a element "absolute", the image and text element.
    I have used the following code for it:
    var ni = document.getElementById("CE_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tbFolder_TabPreviewTest_Editor1_ID_Frame");
    MYOBJECT Here is DIV with absolute position. But of the user aligns the text centre, then the absolute div will be displayed on the location left and top according to the body.How can I align it absolute to the rendering page. I mean I want to align the div to the posiition from where the other text starts rendering."firewire" is the absolute div that contains the image data.
    The image in cute editor when I created the template is:
    This is where the image is shown After the page is rendered.
    I know the reason that the div is absolute and will be displayed where the left an dtop are specified. But Can I place this absolute Div to the relative loaction where the text is rendered.Even I thought of having a relative div, bt the relative div does not allow to have the top and left to negative values so I am not able to drag it to the body of the editor.Please see if I can have any solution of this problem.
    Thanks for the support tilll now. I must say the support group of cute editor is helpful. 
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