Re: IE Firefox Underline conundrum

  •  03-25-2009, 11:21 PM

    Re: IE Firefox Underline conundrum

    Yes this works here, but it certainly does not in my version. I am using 6.1, has this been fixed in 6.3?
    I am reluctant to upgrade to 6.3 because, I ahve tried it but it still contains the "hog the focus issue", it's liveable with on a single instance, but I'm dynamically generating (up to 12) instances of the cute editor on a specific page. When the page loads in ie, it flickers like a Christmas tree, with each instance trying to grab the focus as it loads. The Focus="False" makes no difference. I have managed to  ammend ie loader.js to stop the flicker, but it was hard work and I'm sure there have been changes since.

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